From Innumeracy to Insight

The following slides contain how statistical representations (in medical) used to confuse the patient. Several ways to avoid ambiguity of the presentations are given.

The slides are purely adopted from Gerd Gigerenzer and Adrian Edwards article, based on my personal understanding toward the article.

For further explanation, reading the complete article is highly recommended.

“Authentic Inquiry” vs “Simple Inquiry Tasks”

The following slides contain reviews toward the current implementation of inquiry based learning in school. The content refers to an article entitled “Epistemologically Authentic Inquiry in Schools: A Theoretical Framework for Evaluating Inquiry Tasks”. The article was written by Clark A. Chinn and Betina A. Malhotra from USA.


The slides are made based on my own understanding toward the article.

PISA Mathematics 2012 Result: Indonesia (the 64th of 65 countries participating)


To begin with, I would love to give you a little illustration on what is PISA and how it assess students’ performances. PISA is an international standard test conducted by OECD (Organisation for Economic and Cooperation Development) every three years. This test measures how students (in countries-participants) performed in mathematics, science, and reading after their compulsary basic education. In mathematics, it assesses how students realize the existence and the use of math in their real life, that is, how literate they are with mathematics.

The test is used to measure countries’ achievement in those three literacies, which perhaps, would reflect how the economic condition of the countries several years later.

For Indonesia, itself, the result of the previous test (PISA 2009) has been considered (as background) for the curriculum reform from KTSP to 2013 (new curriculum). This shows how this kind of test affects, at least, to our country.

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When nine doughnuts price as much as the other ten (A reflection)


Prior to this post, I went to a doughnut seller near my dorm. I ask the seller (her) how much the doughnut cost. She said, “It is Rp.2000,- for 3 doughnuts”. Since I brought Rp.3000,- in my pocket, then I meant to buy 4 doughnuts with the 3000. Surprisingly, she gave me 5 doughnuts.

The following day, I again visited her shop and brought Rp.5000,- for doughnuts. Still, I got 8 instead of 7 (as I expected).

I started to think, how if I bought 6000,- with twice buyings? It benefits me one more doughnut compared to buying it at at a time. So I could get 5 doughnuts in the  first buying, and the other 5 in the next buying. This means, with Rp.6000,- I could have 9 or 10 doughnuts. Just in case the whole consumers of her do this tricky actions, I do believe that the seller could be disserved.

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Does “context” only match with “Lower-level Math”?


Well, I am not going to ask you to solve nor to discuss the solution of the problem beside.

The question was taken from the ‘Examen Vwo‘ of Wiskunde B, a yearly math event in the Netherlands.

What I am going to show you from the picture is related to the title of this post, “Does context only match with lower level math?” which is rather be a common question, at least, by several Indonesian teachers. Furthermore, some of them used it as an excuse for not applying RME, CTL, or involve any context in their teaching of higher level math. As the consequence, most of our students feel less motivated in learning math since they did not find it useful for them.

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Dear Mathematician, don’t be too mechanistic! Be flexible! (A reflection)

This post is inspired by students’ (finalists of Kontes Literasi Matematika IV, Sriwijaya University) anwers to a question given by Prof. Dr. Zulkardi in the play-off session:

raja louis

Anwering this questions, two of the three finalists employed algebraic manipulation to find the answer. They argued that if Raja Louis X (10) has 16 wifes, then Raja Louis V (5) must have 8 wifes as it satisfied direct proportion.

Indeed, there should be no relation between the number of wifes a king has with its and its name order.

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Contractual Arithmetic (An Approach in Teaching Mathematics)

Presented by:
Christa Kaune, Institute for Cognitive Mathematics, University Osnabruck, Germany, and
Edyta Nowinska, Intitute for Mathematics Didactics, A. Mckiewicz University in Poznan, Poland

in a general lecture conducted in Sriwijaya University on 30th July 2013.

The issue of contractual arithmetic in Indonesia was firstly introduced by Christa Kaune and team from Osnaburck University. Prior to the proposal of this approach, researches which focused on mathematical cognition had been conducted in several secondary schools in Yogyakarta and Nusa Tenggara Timur.

As the result, the idea was formulated to transform from head-to-head learning style into teaching mathematics for undertstanding. This approach does concern on the cognitive styles with three main steps, namely, generating argumentation, explanation, and prediction and justification.

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